
English Clients

Julika’s sessions bring design thinking and personal relationships together, and are for couples, who are ready to open a new chapter. If you are thinking about taking the next step, but have yet to understand the practical, emotional or social repercussions of what that next chapter will mean, these sessions are for you.

- Designer Couple, Amsterdam

Julika’s combination of design thinking tools and relationship coaching allowed us to bring clarity to our plans for the future, and sort through a somewhat charged topic in a simultaneously playful and structured manner.

- Couple, Amsterdam

Her sessions involved putting different frames on our ideas for the future, and observing our plans through different lenses. This allowed us to not only understand what we want to do, but what we want to feel, and how we want to be.

- Married Couple, Online

We could recognize problems and challenges that might arise down the line. And we walked away with a framework for making structured decisions about our lives, allowing us to be playful about what our future could look like without being overly optimistic nor afraid. As a person, Julika is open and attentive, explorative and sensitive, bringing expertise both as a design thinker and councilor. Above all, she’s someone you would trust to help shape your future.

- Irish Client, Online

Went through very motivating design sessions, receiving constructive consultations on the growth of our start-up as well as on an individual level. Kudos!

- Danish Client in Design Coaching, Online

German Clients

Mein Partner und ich haben 3 Kinder und unser Leben ist durch einen arbeitsreichen Alltag und viel Organisation geprägt. Durch “Couple Coaching” wollten wir uns als Paar näher kommen, unsere Stärken zu finden, aber auch Facetten mit Redebedarf thematisieren. Die Online-Kennenlernstunde zeigte uns dank hilfreicher instrumentellen Mittel in welchen Gebieten wir Harmonie empfanden und in welchen Gebieten wir unterschiedlicher Meinung waren - wo also für Zukunftsplanung einer gemeinsamen Zukunft Bedarf ist.

- Mother & Partner of 3, Cottbus

Das Starter-Gespräch brachte uns bereits näher zusammen, Themen brachten uns zum Schmunzeln, und die Gedanken des Partners wurden besser aufgezeigt. Ausserdem überraschten uns auch gewisse Unzufriedenheiten oder Wünsche des Partners.

- Father & Life Partner, Cologne

Es war schön uns mal als richtiges Paar zu erleben, einige intime emotionale Momente zu erleben, dank Julikas Hilfe zur tiefgründigen Kommunikation über unser Leben, unsere Beziehung, unseren Alltag und unsere Gefühle erreichen.

- Client, Online